Какие существуют сценарии применения противопульной экипировки ООН ?
UN bulletproof equipment is mainly used in the following scenarios:
Peacekeeping operations - UN peacekeeping forces need to wear bulletproof vests, helmets and other equipment when performing tasks in dangerous areas.
Humanitarian re...
Что такое полицейский стандарт Великобритании bs 7971 для защиты от беспорядков ?
BS 7971 specifically addresses protective equipment such as anti-riot helmets used by police and security personnel. The standard outlines essential performance and safety requirements for this type of gear to ensure it can withs...
Тактическое-Личное-Оборонительное-Снаряжение is designed to enhance personal safety and self-defense capabilities, including various tools such as gloves, knives, flashlights and firearms. Such equipment can improve safety and flexibility in outdoor activities and...